ITF World Tennis Number System Rules

ITF World Tennis Number System Rules

A. Age Restrictions

1. You will only be eligible for an ITF World Tennis Number if you are 9 years or older.

B. Updating your Details

1. You will need to contact your association to update your details.

2. To ensure your information is up to date you will only be able to update it through your association, they will then inform ITF World Tennis Number of the changes and these will be reflected on your account.

C. Reporting Incorrect Data

ITF World Tennis Number is powered by a confidential, tested and objective mathematical calculation.


1. If you believe that match data uploaded by a association to ITF World Tennis Number is incorrect you have the right to appeal.

2. To appeal incorrect data please contact the association and follow their appeal process. Your association shall investigate the alleged error. If an error is identified (whether through the omission of data or an incorrect input) your association shall notify you and correct the error. If no error is identified, your association shall explain this to you.

3. It will be the associations responsibility to update any incorrect data and reload it to ITF World Tennis Number, ITF World Tennis Number will not have the ability to correct any results on behalf of the associations.

4. If a change is made to your match result this will be reloaded into ITF World Tennis Number and your Number will recalculate on the next update.

National Associations

A. System Administrators – Access to the system

1. Do not share your username or password or allow any other person to use your account, it is your responsibility to ensure the safety of your account.

2. ITF World Tennis Number will monitor the use of all accounts and if an account hasn’t been used for 45 days access will be revoked.

The Super User at your association will be able to reactivate a revoked account if you wish to login again.

3. If you think your account has been compromised, please reset your password and inform the ITF World Tennis Number Help Desk immediately.

B. Uploading match and player data

1. Associations may only upload results data to the ITF World Tennis Number for tournaments that they own or which they are the official sanctioning authority. This helps to ensure that match results for the same tournament are not uploaded by multiple organisations and avoids creating duplicate matches in the system or potentially posting different scores for the same match. Only the recognised ‘owner’ of each event will be permitted to upload the official results.

2. All international events will be uploaded by the ITF only – including ITF Circuits, ATP Tour, WTA Tour, Grand Slams, Davis Cup, Fed Cup, and Olympics.

3. All tournament and player records must have a unique ID that distinguishes them within your entire database.

4. The primary way of uniquely identifying each a player across all association databases is by their globally unique Tennis ID (or IPIN). Results should, therefore, include a player’s Tennis IDs so that ITF World Tennis Number can easily and accurately identify them and prevent duplicate players being created in the system.

5. If a set of tournament results is uploaded which contains players who do not already exist in the ITF World Tennis Number database (i.e. they do not already have a Tennis ID), a new player record and Tennis ID will be created for each of them. Please check that any new players that you are uploading do not already exist in ITF World Tennis Number before submitting results so that duplicate player records and multiple player profiles (with different ITF World Tennis Numbers) are not created during the results upload process.

6. Do not upload results with large number of new players who do not already exist in the ITF World Tennis Number database. A maximum of 20 new players can be included in each set of tournament results uploaded to the database. If you need to add a larger number of new players to the ITF World Tennis Number system at one time, this must be done via the bulk player import process. Please contact the ITF World Tennis Number Help Desk for assistance with bulk player creation.

7. Results should only be uploaded for completed tournaments. Please do not upload results for events that are still in progress.

8. Always upload the complete set of results data for each tournament or event. Do not upload individual draws or results for single rounds. Each time you upload results for a tournament any existing data for that tournament in ITF World Tennis Number is deleted and replaced by the new set of data provided.

9. Results can be uploaded at any time but it is recommended that they are uploaded in a batch at the same time every week.

10. Do not re-upload results for a completed tournament which is already in ITF World Tennis Number unless it is to correct data errors.

11. Match and player data can only be submitted to ITF World Tennis Number by associations. This is to protect the integrity of the Numbers being produced. Please contact ITF World Tennis Number if you need to authorise a third party or results service provided to upload your data on your behalf.

12. Nations should upload all match results (singles and doubles) for players from the 1st January 2016 to date.

13. ITF World Tennis Number will only be able to process data for players aged 9 years or older who have a match record from 1st January 2016.

14. All data uploaded to ITF World Tennis Number should be provided in the Tennis Open Data Standards (TODS) format.

15. There shall be regular monitoring of the platform to identify incorrect or false data.

16. If you find duplicate player records or duplicate results data in the ITF World Tennis Number system please report the full details to the ITF World Tennis Number Help Desk.

17. If incorrect data is found the ITF may suspend without notice the User's access to, and use of, ITF World Tennis Number at any time. The ITF can ask the User to conduct periodic checks of a sample of the data inputted at any time.